Those who have come from all directions and in all respects by the vaunted move by Cristiano Ronaldo. And that's what happens when a bad match, as was that of Malaga, something happened that in itself is not unusual. Ran 69 minutes, a bit of humor XD does not hurt, when a clear backlash, a Danish player Cristiano Ronaldo grabbed the shirt and the Luso released his arm, hitting on the face of Mtiliga, producing a broken nose, that neither Mike Tyson in his heyday.
are the facts, but now it is my opinion of what happened, and what, for me, should be right. Let's see, CR9 to feel caught, I struggle to let him go and watch (sideways, of course) the player's position, he decided to hold the arm up, with the misfortune of ending up in the face.
For me, the performance was not intentionally want to break his face, but it's released in very strong. The red card is clear aggression en toda regla, y no me tengo que fijar en el resto de equipos para reconocer que cuando se haca algo mal hay que castigarlo. En el tema de los partidos de sanción, teniendo en cuenta que es reincidente (siempre con previa "provocación" del rival) veo bien los dos partidos. ¿Por qué lo veo bien?, muy sencillo, es un buen toque de atención para que no lo vuelva a repetir (y ya lo ha repetido).
Ahora viene lo del recurso del Madrid, pues yo creo que un club de la categoría de éste, no debe ir recurriendo acciones tan claras. Si consigue dejarla en un partido, perfecto ni pa'tí ni pa'mí. Porque esa es otra, las declaraciones de nuestro querido Director General del Real Madrid, D. Jorge Valdano, saying that we must protect those who enjoy the show, well Mr. Valdano what you should do is take your player and say clearly " Hey, this does not happen again. You are a picture of a big club We do not want to give these examples. "because this play twenty-two and all have equal time to the show.
But that issue aside, now is a personal reflection on why Ronaldo act this way. He is a winner, no one likes to lose, and therefore does not want to interrupt your game. Moreover, the fame that has come to Spain (which reflected the daily Sport on its front page on Tuesday) pimp and arrogant, I think it makes the parties, defenders and other players come to win because you know there will be some of the fans who will appreciate it.
And as you can not compare, not Messi come to that hardness, among other things because it is a good kid who did not melt in his life (spit if you do, but it is a prank), the best world,. Sure, some do not do anything, will not it be the that became famous for injuring a large. In contrast, the Portuguese, that's all the same, you just have to see how you go from one to another.
What the press did not enter, each offering a version for your target audience, but sometimes reach surrealism.
And finally, Real Madrid should not be based on a player to win the league. A Riazor have to go to win, that it is time for the years without winning the Cup and losses (or ties) in Coruña, who managed these feats are now playing with veterans and about to withdraw from the indoor.
PD: The dismissal of all a great player who has left his mark at Real Madrid, as it is and will be Van Nistelrooy.
PD2: If the weather permitting, I have thought a brief summary of the first round of the league.
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